MGE UPS Systems EPS 6000 Uživatelský manuál

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Strany 1 - User’s Guide

EPS 6000 UPS Shared SystemsUser’s Guide


This manual is designed for ease of use and easy locationof information.To quickly find the meaning of terms used within the text, look in the Glossary

Strany 3 - EPS 6000

This manual provides technical information required foroperation and maintenance of the shared EPS 6000uninterruptible power system (UPS). Please read

Strany 4

• EPS 6000 battery cabinetEach of these cabinets is described below. Figure 1-1 shows a typical shared UPS installation, consisting of one static swit

Strany 5 - Contents

Figure Pictorial, Typical EPS 6000 UPS Shared Installation1-1 (Shown With Two 375 kVA UPS Modules)Figure Single-Line Diagram, Typical EPS 6000 UPS Sha

Strany 6 - Glossary

Following is a description of the EPS 6000 UPS majorinternal components. Refer to the single-line diagramprovided in Figure 1-2, and the component lo

Strany 7 - Illustrations

The static switch cabinet (SSC) provides an electrical pathbetween the output of the UPS modules and the load.When the UPS modules are off, the SSC pr

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Strany 11 - Introduction

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,1-7 Shared 750 kVA UPS Cabinet 1GroundCapacitorsConnectionPowerInterconnectCT (6ea)ACPZ ARUZFusesRelayBatte

Strany 12 - EPS 6000 UPS Shared Systems

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS — This manual contains important instructions for the EPS6000 series UPS Systems that must be foll

Strany 13 - User’s guide

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,1-8 Shared 750 kVA UPS Cabinet 2FRONT VIEW, DOORS AND COVERS REMOVEDTOP VIEW, COVER REMOVEDINVERTERS (x6)AC

Strany 14 - 1 — 4 Introduction

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,1-9 Shared 750 kVA UPS Cabinet 3FRONT VIEW, DOORS AND COVERS REMOVEDTOP VIEW, COVER REMOVEDINVERTERS (x6)AC

Strany 15 - 1 — 5Introduction

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,1-10 Static Switch Cabinet (SSC)UPSBYPASSUPSBYPASSFUSES(F1, F2, F3, & F4)ROTARY SWITCHES(SW1, & SW2)

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This section describes options available for the EPS 6000UPS. Some configurations do not support some options.Most options must be specified at the time

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AC output ratingsVoltage: 480 VAC ± 0.5% (steady-state conditions)480 VAC ± 5% (transient conditions from 0% to 100% or 100% to 0%)Frequency: 60 Hz ±

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Recommended environment: 20° to 25° C (68° to 77° F.); 50% relative humidity;computer room or other temperature- and humidity-controlled environmentOp

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Height: 1,981 mm/78 in.Depth: 1,219 mm/48 in.Width: 1,829 mm/72 in.Weight: 1,310 kg/2,900 lbs. (SSC)1,091 kg/2,000 lbs. (MBC)Finish: MGE light gray1.6

Strany 20

This section presents operating information for EPS 6000UPS shared systems, including an overview of the system,its components, and their function; a

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During normal operation (as shown in Figure 2-1), powerflows from the main AC input source (mains 1) into the UPSrectifier/battery charger sections. The

Strany 22

Figure Power Flow, Bypass Operation2-3Indicators and controls are located in three places on theUPS module: on the front panel, behind a drop-down cov

Strany 23 - 1.4 Options

For service call1-800-438-737386-130034-00 B00 11/96Copyright © 1996 MGE UPS Systems, Inc..All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.MGE UPS Systems1660 S

Strany 24 - 1.5.2 Mechanical

Figure EPS 6000 Controls and Indicators2-4FigureEPS 6000 Front Panel2-5Note: The SSC does not include inverter on or inverter off pushbuttons #6 and #

Strany 25 - 1 — 15Introduction

Emergency power off (EPO)On the left side of the front panel, an emergency power off (EPO) pushbutton isprovided, with a protective cover to guard aga

Strany 26 - 1.6.2 Mechanical

⁄Operating problem LED (3)This orange LED turns on when an operating problem exists, such as fan failure;static switch power supply fault; battery tem

Strany 27 - Operation

PushbuttonsFollowing are brief descriptions of the function of the alphanumeric displaypushbuttons.Figure Alphanumeric Display and Controls2-6øSetting

Strany 28 - 2.1.2 Normal Operation

• Inverter current• Load current• Percent current drawn by the load relative to UPS module or SSC rating• Crest factor per phase„Pushbutton This pushb

Strany 29 - 2 — 3Operation

Numbered lightsThe green light indicates the UPS module or SSC with which the display iscurrently communicating.A red light indicates that the corresp

Strany 30

B: Rectifier/charger onThis green LED indicates that the rectifier/battery charger is on.C: Rectifier/charger faultThis red LED indicates an alarm condit

Strany 31

J: Inverter desynchronizedThis orange LED indicates that the inverter output frequency is not synchronizedwith the bypass AC input (mains 2).K: Transf

Strany 32 - Controls

Figure Hidden Panel Pushbuttons2-8Battery charge cycle (pushbutton #1) (applies to UPS module only)Pressing this pushbutton begins a battery charging

Strany 33

Forced bypass to inverter (pushbutton #4) (applies to SSC only)Pressing and holding the “security key” while pressing this pushbutton forces thetransf

Strany 34

WarrantySeller warrants to the Ultimate Purchaser (the purchaser who buys for use, and not for resale) that all productsfurnished under this order and

Strany 35 - 2.2.3 Hidden Panel

attached load.Figure Single-Line Diagram,2-9 Typical EPS 6000 UPS Shared InstallationTOATTACHED LOADMAIN AC INPUT/MAINS 1QF1OUTPUTFUSESEPS 6000 UPS MO

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Strany 37

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,2-11 Shared 300 / 375 kVA UPS ModuleFRONT VIEW, DOORS AND COVERS REMOVEDTOP VIEW, COVER REMOVEDINVERTERS (x

Strany 38

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,2-12 Shared 500 kVA UPS Module I/O CabinetQ1A3 B3 C3INPUTCONNECTIONSA4 B4 C4OUTPUTCONNECTIONSBATTERYCONNECTI

Strany 39 - Switches

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,2-13 Shared 500 kVA UPS Module UPS CabinetFRONT VIEW, DOORS AND COVERS REMOVEDTOP VIEW, COVER REMOVEDAC CAP

Strany 40 - 2 — 14 Operation

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,2-14 Shared 750 kVA UPS Module UPS Cabinet 1GroundCapacitorsConnectionPowerInterconnectCT (6ea)ACPZ ARUZFus

Strany 41 - 2 — 15Operation

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,2-15 Shared 750 kVA UPS Module UPS Cabinet 2FRONT VIEW, DOORS AND COVERS REMOVEDTOP VIEW, COVER REMOVEDINVE

Strany 42 - 2 — 16 Operation

Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,2-16 Shared 750 kVA UPS Module UPS Cabinet 3FRONT VIEW, DOORS AND COVERS REMOVEDTOP VIEW, COVER REMOVEDINVE

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Figure EPS 6000 Major Internal Components,2-17 Static Switch Cabinet (SSC)In the UPS modules:Q1 Input isolation circuit breaker, used to isolate the U

Strany 44

This section describes operation and use of the alphanu-meric display in detail.The alphanumeric display interacts with the user via the tophalf of th

Strany 45 - 2 — 19Operation

Section I Introduction1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scope 1 — 11.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Description 1 — 11.2 . . . . . . . . . .

Strany 46

Figure General Display Configuration2-19The settings selection screens allow the user to configure the display language and set the contrast of the LCD

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In the event of an alarm condition, the general statusscreen shows an alarm message. To determine the specificcondition causing the alarm, press the al

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The LCD can display comprehensive information aboutUPS performance through its monitoring functions.To display voltage measurements, press the “V” key

Strany 49 - 2 — 23Operation

To display current measurements, press the “A” key on thekeyboard, as shown in Figure 2-23.Figure Current Measurements2-23Select current measurements

Strany 50 - 2 — 24 Operation

To display power or frequency measurements, press the“W.Hz” key on the keyboard, as shown in Figure 2-24.Figure Power and Frequency Measurements2-24Se

Strany 51 - 2 — 25Operation

To display battery voltage, current, ambient temperature,and time available or remaining, press the battery key onthe keyboard, as shown in Figure 2-2

Strany 52 - 2 — 26 Operation

In the individual UPS modules:• Input (isolation) circuit breaker Q1 is in the OFF (open) position.• Battery disconnect circuit breaker QF1 is in the

Strany 53 - 2 — 27Operation

d. Start the UPS modules:1. For each module, close the input isolation circuit breaker Q1. Verify thatthe following conditions exist:• The red “load n

Strany 54 - 2 — 28 Operation

• Remote emergency power off (REPO) test (if applicable).• Inverter start and stop (for each module).• Battery transfer test.• Maintenance bypass proc

Strany 55 - 2 — 29Operation

To shut down an individual UPS module, press the “inverteroff” pushbutton on the module front panel for 3 seconds. Torestart, press the “inverter on”

Strany 56 - 2.4.2 Start-up

section description page number2.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal Operating Procedures 2 — 292.4.1 Checks Before Start-up 2 — 292.4.2 Start-up 2

Strany 57 - IMPORTANT

2. Open the UPS isolation circuit breaker Q5N.3. Open the battery disconnect circuit breaker(s) QF1.4. Open the input isolation circuit breaker Q1.The

Strany 58 - 2 — 32 Operation

To isolate the SSC for maintenance, or to transfer the loadto maintenance bypass input source (if present), follow theprocedure that applies to your c

Strany 59 - 2 — 33Operation

The whole UPS system is now isolated for maintenance. For complete protection, Q4S or the upstream circuit breaker supplying Q4S should be locked open

Strany 60

This procedure assumes that the load is being supplied bythe bypass AC input (mains 2) source via the SSC.Start the UPS modules (refer to Section 2.4.

Strany 61 - 2 — 35Operation

General alarmsLOW LEVEL ALARMUPS OK !This message indicates that a problem requiring action has occurred. The load is still suppliedby the inverter.

Strany 62 - 2.4.6 Forced Transfers

LOAD ONBYPASS !This message indicates that the load has been transferred to the bypass AC input (mains 2)source. The load is no longer protected.BYPAS

Strany 63 - 2 — 37Operation

CHARGER SHUTDOWNCOMMAND ON !This message indicates that the rectifier/battery charger has been instructed to shut down, for example during progressive

Strany 64

INVERTER OVERLOADCHECK P.F. AND KW This message indicates that the inverter is in an overload condition, usually due to excessivereal power (kW) being

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Q5N UPS OUTPUT ISOL.SWITCH OPEN !On a UPS module, this message indicates that the UPS module isolation circuit breaker Q5Nis open, making it impossibl

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FAN FAILURECALL SERVICE !This message indicates that a fan has failed, and that service is required. Because the fans of the rectifier/battery charger

Strany 67

Illustrationsfigure description page number1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pictorial, Typical EPS 6000 UPS Shared Installation (Shown With Two 375 kV

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(this page intentionally left blank)EPS 6000 UPS Shared Systems

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This section describes maintenance of the EPS 6000 UPS,including safety instructions, preventive maintenance,descriptions of replacement parts kits, a

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a. Isolate and de-energize all EPS 6000 UPS equipment for all maintenance operations.b. Ensure that all equipment is clean and free of loose dust, dir

Strany 71 - Maintenance and Service

Should you encounter a problem in the operation of a UPS module and need MGE UPS Systems, Inc. to service your product, please take into account the f

Strany 72 - 3.3 Replacement Parts

(this page intentionally left blank)EPS 6000 UPS Shared Systems

Strany 73 - 3.4 Troubleshooting

Symbols¶ Used to reference paragraph headings that are listed in the table ofcontents./ Used to represent “and/or.”% Percent; of each hundred.°F. Degr

Strany 74

B or BAT.or BATT. Battery.Breaker Circuit breaker.British Thermal Unit A unit of heat equal to 252 calories (see BTU).BTU or Btu British thermal unit.

Strany 75

Free running Indicates that the inverter frequency is stable and independent of thebypass AC input (mains 2) frequency.FREQ Frequency.Fusible Capable

Strany 76

MCM Thousand circular mil; standard wire sizes for multiple stranded conductorsover 4/0 AWG in diameter. M is from the Roman numeral system; it is the

Strany 77

Remote emergency power off A switch used for shutting down electrical equipment from a location awayfrom the equipment.REPO Remote emergency power off

Strany 78

2-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single-Line Diagram, Typical EPS 6000 UPS Shared Installation 2 — 142-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPS 6000 Majo

Strany 79

VDC Volts of direct current.Via By way of.VPC Volts per cell, the measure of the electrical potential of a storage cell, suchas a battery.XFMR Transfo

Strany 80

Reorder form1660 Scenic AvenueCosta Mesa, CA 92626to order additional copies of this document, or to report any errors,ommissions, or other problems y

Strany 83

Nothing will stop you now ™1660 Scenic Avenue, Costa Mesa, California 92626 • (714) 557-1636 •

Strany 84 - Nothing will stop you now

Tablestable description page number1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPS 6000 Model Numbers, Shared System UPS Modules 1 — 21-2 . . . . . . . . . . .

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