MGE UPS Systems 3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 Uživatelský manuál

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Strany 1 - Owner's Manual

3.5 to 21 kVA N+1InverterOwner's Manual


Figure Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page3-2 Dual Inverter and Waveform Diagram .

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Owner’s Manualpage ixHow To Use This Manual: This manual is designed for ease of use and easy location of information.To quickly find the meaning of

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(This page left blank intentionally.) 3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 Inverterpage x

Strany 5 - 3.5 kVA to 21.5 kVA Inverter

Introduction1.0 ScopeThis manual provides technical information for installation, operation, and maintenance of MGE UPS Systems’modular inverter syste

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3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterIntroductionpage 1 — 2locations where commercial AC power is not available. With a built-in static transfer switch, the inv

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Table 1-2: Inverter Module DimensionsInverter Module HEIGHT (in/cm) DEPTH (in/cm) WIDTH (in/cm) WEIGHT (lb/kg)64004-9MSK1 5.18 / 13.3 15.12 / 38.85 15

Strany 8 - Chapter III - Maintenance

1.3.4 Power FactorRated kVA is available over a power factor range of 0.6 lagging to 0.6 leading at nominal voltage. Watt rating shouldnot be exceede

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The system measurement information is displayed on the LCD “Display” panel. Switch SW3 is pushed down (or up)to scroll the LCD’s screens for more inf

Strany 10 - 3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 Inverter

Table 1-4: Alarm ConnectionsJ21 terminal block screw position --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12MAJOR ALARM --- X XMAJOR ALARM --- X XNo Major Alarm --- X

Strany 11 - IMPORTANT

1.7.6 Audible NoiseLess than 65 dBA per Type 2, IEC and ANSI SI.4, when measured in a 40 dBA environment at a distance of 4 feetfrom any surface. At

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IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This manual contains important instructions for all staticinverters, that must be followed during

Strany 13 - Introduction

(This page left blank intentionally.) 3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterIntroductionpage 1 — 8

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Installation & Operation2.0 ScopeThis chapter describes installation of the inverters, including receiving, handling, and storage procedures; prer

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2.2.0 Mechanical MountingThe equipment can be either mounted on a floor, or rack-mounted in a 19”, 23”, or 25” rack. Optionalmounting bracket kits ca

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Figure 2-1: Installation Drawing, 7 kVA Inverter SystemFOR 1", 1-1/2"CONDUITS (4 PLACES)FOR 1", 2", 3"CONDUITS (2 PLACES)FOR

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2.2.1 LocationThe equipment is designed for installation in a protected environment. Factors to be considered in selecting alocation include ventilat

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Figure 2-3: Static Switch Jumper PositionsSuggested DC circuit breaker ratings:Inverter rating 3.5 kVA 7 kVA 10.5 kVA 14 kVA 17.5 kVA 21 kVADC breaker

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to the lower terminal connection landing. Note that there is room for three lugs with two holes spaced one inchapart. Cables and terminal lugs are n

Strany 21 - Installation & Operation

connector. Swing the “Display” panel back to its vertical position and install the two screws to hold the panel inposition. Do not tighten the screw

Strany 22 Power-Up ProcedureTurn the main source DC input circuit breaker ON to apply 48VC to the system. The “controller” boards and LCD“Display” pane

Strany 23 - LEFT SIDE VIEW

WARNINGHIGH LEAKAGE CURRENT. Earth connection essential before connecting supply.ATTENTIONCOURANT DE FUITE ELEVE. Raccordement a la terre indispensa

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(This page left blank intentionally.)3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterInstallation & Operationpage 2 — 10

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Maintenance3.0 ScopeThis chapter describes maintenance and service of MGE UPS Systems Modular Inverter System, including safetyinstructions, preventiv

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3.2.3 Air Intake CleaningInspect the air intake and exhaust openings for blockage. Verify that air flows freely through the equipment. Cleanthe air

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3.3 Replacement PartsReplacement parts are available from MGE UPS Systems. Contact MGE UPS Systems Customer Support Servicesfor ordering replacement

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Inverter rating 3.5 kVA 7 kVA 10.5 kVA 14 kVA 17.5 kVA 21 kVADC breaker rating 125A 250A 375A 500A 650A 750A3.4.2.2 AC Output Circuit BreakerIt is not

Strany 29 Dual Half-Bridge InvertersIn or to provide more choices of output voltage, two identical half-bridge inverters are used to produce either120VA

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(This page left blank intentionally.)3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterMaintenancepage 3 — 6

Strany 31 - Maintenance

Owner’s ManualTheory of Operation page 4 — 1Theory of OperationThis chapter describes the theory of operation of the S4 inverter system.4.0 SCOPEThe f

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Figure 4-1: Block Diagram of the 21 kVA Inverter System3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterTheory of Operationpage 4 — 2

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Figure 4-2: Block Diagram of the S4 Inverter Power System4.3 Alarm RelaysLocated just to the left side of the “Controller” printed circuit board card

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3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 Inverterpage ii

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4.5 DC Input Power ConnectionsThe “Receiver” cabinet also contains the DC distribution bus bar system, which is called a “DC Raceway”. Itconsists of

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Figure 4-3: Block Diagram of Power ModuleOwner’s ManualTheory of Operation page 4 — 5

Strany 37 - Theory of Operation

Figure 4-4: Voltage and Current Waveforms of DC/DC Battery Booster3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterTheory of Operationpage 4 — 6

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4.7.1 Power Module ConfigurationThe power module output current is approximately 10A/volt when it is configured for 120VAC, 5A/volt when config-ured f

Strany 39 InverterThe boost transformer has two secondary windings, 22 turns, center tapped at 11 turns. The two secondarywindings, which are rectified

Strany 40 Average Current ModeIf the inverter “current command” control signal can be made to control a current source (or sink), then the pole/zeroas

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the two signals is not zero, then the inverter has failed. The inverter must be disconnected and shut down. Shutdown is accomplished by opening the

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zero to +5V. The +2.495V is used as the reference for the LMC660 amplifiers, signal transformers, which are usedto measure the AC input and load volt

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Function Micro Input at Input at Input at Input at Notes:port 0.250V 0.500V 4.500V 4.750VI backfeed P0.0 V>+/-1VIbat, battery current. P0.1 133.27

Strany 44 High Voltage DriversThe processor PCB also has a high voltage transistor array (ULN7002), which is used to control the tri-colored“STATUS” LED

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This manual covers these models:Product: List number: Comcode reference: Rating:64034 407-607-853 3.5 kVA64074 7.0 kVA64104 10.5 kVA64144 14.0 kVA6417

Strany 46 Static Switch DriverOn the right-hand side panel of the “receiver” cabinet is the “Static Switch” gate driver printed circuit board. Thisboar

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The output of this current transformer is clamped to a maximum of +/-1.1V by means of back-to-back diodes, whichis in parallel with a high value burde

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(This page left blank intentionally.)3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterTheory of Operationpage 4 — 16

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GlossaryAppendix ASymbols Definition/Meaning@ At./ And/or.+/- Plus or Minus.# Number.°C Degree Celsius.°F Degree Fahrenheit.Ø Phase angle.W Ohm; unit

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DC or dc Direct current.Digital Meter The LCD display on the front panel of inverter system.Earth ground A ground circuit that has contact with the ea

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NFPA National Fire Protection Association.NO. or No. Part number.On-line mode Inverter output power is the primary energy source to load.Off-line mode

Strany 53 - Glossary

3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterOwner’s Manual3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 Inverterpage ivWarrantyThe liability of MGE UPS Systems, Inc. hereunder is limited to replac

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Owner’s ManualContents page vContentssection description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pageImportant Saf

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3.5 to 21 kVA N+1 InverterContentspage visection description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pageChapter I

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Owner’s ManualContents page viisection description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pageChapter IV - Th

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