MGE UPS Systems Switched PDU Uživatelský manuál

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A comprehensive guide to
the communication tools offered
by all ranges of MGE UPS SYSTEMS
uninterruptible power supplies:
data protection
Shutting down and restarting
servers automatically
alarm notification
Local and remote messages
(e-mail, SMS, pager)
The main parameters of the uninterruptible
power supply can be managed using
a browser, Network Management System
or multi-UPS supervisor
remote control
The equipment powered by the UPS
can be
switched on and off
MGE0458-UK.qxd 13/02/06 15:48 Page 1
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Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 1 - A comprehensive guide to

A comprehensive guide to the communication tools offeredby all ranges of MGE UPS SYSTEMSuninterruptible power supplies:◗ data protection Shutting down

Strany 2 - Ideal for IT applications

Personal Solution Pac for Linux.2◗ Manage critical situationsusing pre-programmedautomatic actions◗ Monitor equipment moreeasily◗ Control the power su

Strany 3 - Network applications

MGE UPS SYSTEMS has developed a comprehensive, simple and coherent range of products for power supply management for servers and other systems requiri

Strany 4 - UPS systems supervision

Connection to IP networksThere are 2 ways of connecting a UPS to an IP network:◗ adding a SNMP/HTML card to the UPS, which becomes the interface to th

Strany 5 - Other options

MultislotThe “Multislot” concentrator can be used to connect a single UPS to several differentnetworks.A Galaxy or Comet S31 can be connected to a net

Strany 6 - Summary of power management

Individual computer applicationsPersonal Solution-Pac** Personal Solution-Pac is delivered with the UPS and is available from the Web site www.mgeups.

Strany 7 - Ordering information

Protection “Network Shutdown Module”InstallationOperating systems for servers protected Windows 2003 Server, XP, 2000, NT, Linux, Mac OS X, Netware, I

Strany 8 - COMM458UK-01/06

Published by: MGE UPS SYSTEMS, (January 2006) - Designed by: Pamplemousse: +33 4 79 37 87 66 - Produced by MGE UPS SYSTEMS - Photos and illustrations:

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