A comprehensive guide to the communication tools offeredby all ranges of MGE UPS SYSTEMSuninterruptible power supplies:◗ data protection Shutting down
Personal Solution Pac for Linux.2◗ Manage critical situationsusing pre-programmedautomatic actions◗ Monitor equipment moreeasily◗ Control the power su
MGE UPS SYSTEMS has developed a comprehensive, simple and coherent range of products for power supply management for servers and other systems requiri
Connection to IP networksThere are 2 ways of connecting a UPS to an IP network:◗ adding a SNMP/HTML card to the UPS, which becomes the interface to th
MultislotThe “Multislot” concentrator can be used to connect a single UPS to several differentnetworks.A Galaxy or Comet S31 can be connected to a net
Individual computer applicationsPersonal Solution-Pac** Personal Solution-Pac is delivered with the UPS and is available from the Web site www.mgeups.
Protection “Network Shutdown Module”InstallationOperating systems for servers protected Windows 2003 Server, XP, 2000, NT, Linux, Mac OS X, Netware, I
Published by: MGE UPS SYSTEMS, (January 2006) - Designed by: Pamplemousse: +33 4 79 37 87 66 - Produced by MGE UPS SYSTEMS - Photos and illustrations:
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