Galaxy PW™100 to 225 kVAUser’s
2 How to Use this ManualThis manual is designed for ease of use and easy location of information.To quickly find the meaning of terms used within the
3introductionIntroductiongeneral characteristics of Galaxy PW™ UPSUPS power rating in kVA 100 130 150 180 200 225Normal AC inputnumber of conductors 3
4system description(see figure 1) a rectifier/charger module (A) converts3-phase AC power from the normal ACsource supply (1) into DC power for theno
5different types of GalaxyPW™ systemssingle-UPS unitFig. 2parallel UPS systemSee figure 3 showing two parallel-connect-ed (redundant) UPS units.Fig. 3
6 Introductionoperation in on-linemodenormal operationNormal AC source power is available (seefigure 5). lights 1 , 4 and 5 shine green onth
7Introductionoperation with the normal ACsource restoredSee figure 7.When normal AC source power (1) isrestored or its voltage returns to withinspecif
8 Introductioninverter shutdown oroverloadSee figure 9 for devices or installationsoperating in on-line mode with a bypassAC source.Fig. 9single-UPS u
9Introductionoperation with an enginegenerator setSee figure 11 below.If a stand-by generator is included in theinstallation, it is generally started
10 Description of Galaxy PWTMCabinetsDescription of GalaxyPW™ CabinetsUPS cabinetSee figure 12 for the layout of the variouscabinet components.Legend
11Control PanelgeneralThe control panel on Galaxy PW™ UPSscomprises the basic controls and indica-tions required to check the general statusof the sys
12"Load" light 5 light off: load not supplied; light shines green: load supplied via theinverter or the bypass AC source (via thestatic
13system start-upsingle-UPS unit or redundantparallel UPSSee figure 15.Proceed in the following order: close the upstream switches supplyingnormal an
14shutdown of the inverter press the "inverter OFF" button 8 onthe control panel for three seconds (seefigure 19).single-UPS unit the gr
15control-panel displaygeneral organizationThe display is structured around primaryand secondary messages, measuringtables and setting screens. As a r
16list of primary messagesLOAD PROTECTEDON-LINE MODEThis is the normal display when there areno alarms or problems and the load is cor-rectly supplied
17list of secondary messagesLOAD ON MAINS 2The load has been transferred to thebypass AC source (M2) and is no longerprotected (only in on-line mode).
18BYPASS SWITCH Q3BPIS CLOSEDMaintenance bypass switch Q3BP isclosed. The system is in maintenanceconfiguration and the load is supplied bythe bypass
19measurement systemThe display may be used to read a num-ber of input and output measurementsmade at different points in the system.See figure 18 .
20battery measurementsThese measurements may be accessedby pressing the "battery" key 18 . Thefollowing data is displayed.selections and s
21 inverse video:When this function is selected, the text andbackground colours are reversed (whitetext on black or black text on white). past event
Galaxy PW™User’s ManualFor service call1-800-438-737386-133060-00 X1 08/02Copyright © 2002 MGE UPS Systems, Inc.. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S
22generalThe auto diagnostic system considers anysystem status other than normal as aproblem.Before taking any action, note down themessages displayed
23environment informationTerminals XR2, XR3, XR4 and XR5 on the"Media Contacts 11" board of each type ofunit can be used to receive signals
24presentation of eventtime-stamping by GalaxyPW™Time-stamping of events by Galaxy PW™makes it possible to: log the events; consult the last 500 eve
25That is the only means to leave the func-tion. If no modifications to values are con-firmed, exiting the function corresponds tocancelling the reque
26 total time with Tbatt > 25° C (h): thisis the total time of operation with the bat-tery temperature greater than 25° C sinceinitial startup of
27The battery capacity is the value mea-sured by the UPS microprocessor. It isexpressed in Ampere-hours. This valuechanges over time depending on the
28maintenance configurationsingle-UPS unitSee figure 19. During maintenance, theUPS must be isolated from the normal andbypass AC source, the battery
29parallel UPS redundant andfor increased outputSee figure 22. isolate all UPSsProceed in the following order (see figure23):❏ shut down the inverter
30battery maintenanceConsult the instructions supplied by thebattery manufacturer. Below are a fewgeneral indications: sealed lead-acid batteries: th
31Galvanic isolation andvoltage matching transformersThe UPS can be equipped with an isola-tion or auto transformer on both the inputand output to pro
ii Chapter nameGalaxy PW 100 to 225 kVA User’s ManualThis page intentionally left blank
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33Reorder formto order additional copies of this document, or to report any errors,omissions, or other problems you have experienced.NAME COMPANYSTREE
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iiiImportant Safety InstructionsIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS — This manual contains important instructions for EPS 6000inverte
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vWarrantyGalaxy PW™User’s ManualWarrantySeller warrants to the Ultimate Purchaser (the purchaser who buys for use, and not for resale) that all produc
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1Contentscontentssafety instructions .........................iiiwarranty
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